Perquè ha guanyat l'Obama. Que sí, que per segons quines coses un demòcrata i un republicà no són tan diferents. I que sí, que és veritat que ara ha de demostrar fins a quin punt és un canvi real. Amb tot, jo estic molt contenta. Aquesta vegada els americans no l'han cagat. Alegria.
PD. I està molt bé això de que sigui el primer president negre.
Us deixo amb una cançó de la Tracy Chapman que m'encanta: Talking about a Revolution. Ves a saber, potser sí que estem començant a veure una "revolució".
Don't you know you're talking about a revolution
It sounds like a whisper
Don't you know they're talking about a revolution
It sounds like a whisper
While they're standing in the welfare lines
Crying at the doorsteps of those armies of salvation
Wasting time in unemployment lines
Sitting around waiting for a promotion
Don't you know you're talking about a revolution
It sounds like a whisper
Poor people are gonna rise up
And get their share
Poor people are gonna rise up
And take what's theirs
Don't you know you better run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run
Oh I said you better run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run
Finally the tables are starting to turn
Talking about a revolution
Finally the tables are starting to turn
Talking about a revolution oh no
Talking about a revolution oh no
While they're standing in the welfare lines
Crying at the doorsteps of those armies of salvation
Wasting time in unemployment lines
Sitting around waiting for a promotion
Don't you know you're talking about a revolution
It sounds like a whisper
And finally the tables are starting to turn
Talking about a revolution
Finally the tables are starting to turn
Talking about a revolution oh no
Talking about a revolution oh no
Talking about a revolution oh no
2 comentaris:
Veurem com se n'en surt, i si li deixen fer les coses que vol fer... i si no se'l carreguen d'un tret... en fi, que queda molt per veure.
Nena! Ja falta poc... quant surts de comptes?!?!
Doncs si, el finde que ve marxo a Granada amb la Sandra i més amics/gues del cole on treballava fa dos cursos... serà tan guai!!!!
Ànims en la recta final!!!!!!
Si, si... estic amb la Van Hessa... en Mico no podria fer un post per informar-nos de que ja has parit???
Por faaaaaaaaaaaaaa...
Un petonàs!!!!!
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