Em falten 5 minuts per estar DE VACANCES!!!!!
1a parada = lo poble.
2a parada = el poble.
3a parada = CAMBOTJA I VIETNAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
P.D. Potser la setmana que ve escric quelcom. Però del 12 d'agost al 2 de setembre, no compteu amb mi per res... oléeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
In English: 5 minuts more and I'm on holidays!!! Yay!!! First stop = his village. Second stop = my village. Third stop = Cambotja and Vientam. Maybe I'll write something next week. But from August the 12th till September the 2nd, I'll be out of service. Oléeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!
1 comentari:
don't worry. It's mostly about books, films and me looking forward for some different things. I truly like your blog.
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